HiSHOP | Review | Marine Elements | 深海肌元 | 适合干燥 · 狠痒 · 敏感肌肤

早在一年前的 【Thursday Plantation】茶树身体护理系列:Tea Tree Dry Skin Relief 文章里曾提及,我不想过着每三个月就得回去大医院专科复诊的生活,我也在为摆脱类固醇而努力,虽然类固醇能减轻或舒缓我的皮肤症状(注释:类固醇 是临床上很好的药物,它确实可被广泛地应用於治疗许多的疑难杂症即特殊的疾病,包括:癌症脑水肿、慢性肺病变、风湿病、气喘症、早产儿肺部不成熟、皮肤病休克败血症、及脑膜炎等等,几乎到了无病不可用的境地。),但我清楚知道那是治本不知根的,也附带着各方面的副作用,例如:肝脏、行为、荷尔蒙、心血管 等等的后果。

在过去的一年半时间里,我不再依赖 U-Closone Cream、Aqua Cream、1% Cream 或是 Eumovate,慢慢地改用市面上的温和润肤霜,而且每天坚持摄取两颗 1000mg 的月见草油,感恩,所以这段时间里皮肤状况还算压抑得不错。除此,我实验性地在探索最适合我的润肤霜,这不行,那不好,那我便在继续找寻吧,就这样一直寻寻觅觅。:D

Marine Elements™ is a range of non-steroidal, paraben-free skin care with active ingredient Zonase X™ to help improve the appearance of dry, itchy, irritating and inflamed skin conditions, such as eczema and dermatitis, by new exfoliation and skin regeneration technology.

Marine Elements™ 深海肌元率先引进了最新的天然护肤科研技术,是专为干燥肌肤而调配的日用护肤品,低敏配方不含药物及类固醇,适合任何年龄人仕使用。对于干燥及容易敏感发炎的肌肤所引致的脱皮、狠痒等症状,尤其见效。全线产品极度补湿,于肌肤表面形成锁水保护膜,锁紧水份,隔绝刺激物,減低肌肤干燥或各样问题肌肤复发的机会。

HiSHOP 是大马知名的一站式保养及彩妆购物平台,这回非常感谢 HiShop 让我有机会接触这新产品,
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Marine Elements™ uses patented technology in the form of Zonase X™, an active ingredient which contains natural proteins and enzymes derived from the pure and protected marine sources of Norway. Zonase X™ is derived from the hatching fluid of salmon eggs that has been extensively researched and developed in cooperation with Norwegian Universities. It is the latest innovation combining marine technology and skincare science.

Marine Elements™ 深海肌元採用专利天然活性酵素成份 Zonase X™,为欧洲海洋生物科技和崭新护肤科研的结合成果,研发及制造皆源于无污染和具有丰厚天然资源的挪威。Zonase X™ 是一种於培植三文魚時所产生的天然活性酵素,科学家发现它能有效分解魚子外壳的蛋白组织纤维,让魚苗成功孵出。

Marine Elements™ Body Wash is an extra mild, soap-free formulation, suitable for the whole body. It has a pH level that is close to human skin to maintain your skin's natural barrier against daily harsh elements. It will gently exfoliate the skin, thus promoting regeneration of healthy skin cells, leaving it smooth and moisturized.


Marine Elements™ 深海肌元洁肤浴乳 ( 500ml )

Directions of Use: Apply directly onto hands, flannel or wet sponge. Lather and rinse well.


呈珍珠白的 Marine Elements Body Wash 带着淡淡的糯米香气(个人是这么觉得 :D),闻起来非常舒服。

加入一些水后,打圈 打圈,这样便能轻易打出泡沫,而且这泡沫比较起一般的沐浴露更为细小,
由于它不含任何色素 及 性质非常温和,洗澡后完全不会觉得皮肤干燥紧绷。

Specially formulated to provide deep moisturisation to extra dry and problem skin areas. Our non-greasy
formulation will soften the skin’s surface, allowing immediate hydration to the dry skin underneath and
helps accelerate the regeneration of healthy skin. It helps to strengthen the skin’s natural barrier whilst
leaving a protective film on the skin’s surface. Natural peptides transport moisture and 
nutrients deep down providing continuous moisturisation for up to 24 hours.


Marine Elements™ 深海肌元特效深层滋润霜 ( 50ml )

Directions of Use: Apply liberally to extra dry areas. 
For optimal results, use 3 to 4 times a day or as often as required and always after washing.


我个人蛮喜欢 Intensive Cream 的瓶罐设计,原因有两个,一:泵压式的设计,让用家轻易控制所需的分量;二:瓶身修长,外带出去非常方便,不会占据太大的位置;除此,它提供我足够的滋润,并且丝毫不觉油腻。


使用 Marine Elements Body Wash 和 Intensive Cream 两个星期后,
我的左手背皮肤平滑许多。(# 点击放大照片)

我的 Eczema 皮肤还算压抑的不错,只是 手 和 脚 较为严重,也许是因为双手时常接触清洁剂 或 其他事物,所以较为脆弱;另外,近来不知不觉双脚对周遭环境起了敏感,变得非常干燥及狠痒。(# 点击放大照片)

 在患处搽上 Marine Elements Intensive Cream 一段日子后,龟裂的指节慢慢地愈合了,(# 点击放大照片)
不妨一试 Marine Elements 深海肌元。

Exclusive RM20 rebate for readers: MARINEJUNE
*With minimum purchase of RM99, valid till 31 August 2014

Marine Elements | 深海肌元
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