椰壳洞 (Gua Tempurung)@霹雳

霹雳有个椰壳洞(Gua Tempurung) 
Gua Tempurung stretches 1.9km, is the largest and magnificent limestone cave in Peninsular Malaysia. Made up of five huge domes, each of them has different formations of stalagmites and stalactites well as different temperatures, water, level, content of limestone and marble. Concealed within this limestone massif is an intricate system of caves honeycombed inside the limestone hills. These caves are actually a breathtaking gallery of stalagmites and stalactites and other amazing rock formations which super geological wonders found only in this part of world.

惭愧地说,因为去年表姐到过这里探险,我才对这名字略知一二。嘻嘻。这里准备了四种配套,有水路和陆路之分。更多的详情能点阅这里 .::tourpackages::. 我们选择了最容易的路线,午餐吃得饱饱地,就当作散步吧。:)



美国有总统山- 拉什莫尔山,雕有四位总统脸相。是否察觉到椰壳洞也有脸相?Imagination~

最后要来张标准游客照咯。:D 下回一群朋友来这探险,拿个配套4号,一定很好玩!